To my dearest ladies : If you’re reading this and you agree with i-Lashes and like where we’re heading, could you please share this post for me?
I have been chatting with my peers about our industry lately.
Many of them have had recent experience of being bargained down on price which they respectfully declined.
What I have to say is, the art of eyelash extension is just not as simple as it looks. And it costs far more than you think it does. It looks like easy money, $90/$100 for 2 hours work. Read on to learn the truth about what we do.
The price we as eyelash artists pay to keep everybody pretty :
Learning the art : Anywhere between $1000 to $5000. Shows you the principles and the techniques on how to do eyelash extensions, but usually not much more. When a new technique comes out everytime, its another $1,000 to $2,000 for the upgrade or you simply can’t catch up. If it is as easy as getting on to Youtube to watch a few videos, we’d have a million eyelash techs in Australia.
Consumables : $27 to $40 per tray. 3 different widths, 9 different lengths, 6 different curls. I won’t even go to the different colours (12 varieties) or the material (3 varieties). So the most basic collection of consumables is $5,427 without the different materials (double the $5,427) and colours (we won’t go there here). Tools excluded.
Damage to our eyes : After 9 hours of continuous close distance focus facing high wattage lighting, your eyes would lose focus and temporarily lose vision after each shift. 5 days a week, 50 weeks per year. Your eyes will never be back to normal again. Ask any optometrist about this, they will tell you to stay right away from being eyelash extension artist.
Why are we still in this trade? Simple, we love doing it and we love that satisfying look from all ladies after the treatment. It is very rewarding and we will continue to do this for as long as our health permits.
i-Lashes puts in all our efforts to keep you looking brilliant and we hope that you follow the aftercare instructions to the letter to keep the perfect lashes on for as long as you could.
We invest every dollar on the best products and provide the best service for each lady and we’re not sorry for what we do. But you will never see or hear i-Lashes calling itself ‘best in Brisbane’ or best in anywhere for that matter. We’re not interested in being the rhetorical kind of best, we focus on improving our technique and service so it is better than yesterday, and we do this every day of the week.
We love your support and certain don’t take any dollar for granted. I’ll say it again because it is our conviction : i-Lashes and all of its staff will never take any lady or any service cost for granted.
We are so grateful that we are given an opportunity to being in business by all you fine ladies. Thank you!
Love you all!
Recommended Further Readings
If you are contemplating signing up to ANY eyelash extension training course (it doesn’t have to be i-Lashes training course), we’d really recommend you to spare 20 minutes or so to read ALL of the previous articles below about this trade.
It is an important commitment hence wise for you to be 100% comfortable with it.
- Eyelash Extension Training Courses Details
- Nationally Accredited Lash Extension Course? Myth and Facts
- Starting an Eyelash Extension Business? Things to REALLY think about
- Running an Eyelash Salon – Risks and Rewards
- Are You Ready To Become an Eyelash Extension Artist?
- True Cost of Being an Eyelash Artist
- How do I tell who is a good eyelash technician?
- Lash Extension Training FAQ